Collection and Use of Personal Data

Personal data consists of information that can directly or indirectly be linked to you as an individual, which (D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ) collects for the purpose of fulfilling the terms of a contract entered into with an individual, or in order to subsequently contact him, as well as to fulfill obligations arising under the law. The connection between payment systems and the buyer is protected by SSL protocol, ensuring that unauthorized parties cannot access or alter the transmitted information.

We collect personal data from our regular customers:

- when you provide your contact details (including name, personal identification number, postal address, telephone number, email address, preferred method of communication) on our website, or elsewhere (e.g., in-store);

- when you use our website, from client account information or via cookies;

- when making a purchase or placing an order in our store or online store during the provision of personal contact data or when saving data about consumer preferences (in some sections of the, you might be asked to voluntarily submit personal data and information. The necessary personal data may include your name, address, postal code, email address, telephone number, and other data);

- when applying for installment payments.

Collection of Other Data

We also collect anonymized data, i.e., data that cannot be related to a specific individual (gender, age, language preference, location).

Additionally, we may collect generalized data about the activities of clients in our stores and on our site. These data are gathered and used to provide clients with more relevant information, as well as to gather intelligence on which products, services, and sections are of the highest interest. Such generalized data are considered anonymized data in this Privacy Policy.

Use of Collected Personal Data

We use the gathered personal data to inform (D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ) customers about new products, campaigns, and upcoming events. Customers who do not wish to receive our newsletters or information about products that may be of interest to them can opt out of our targeted group mailing list at any time.

Moreover, we use collected personal data for the delivery of goods and to fulfill obligations undertaken with customers.

By agreeing to the terms of the Privacy Policy, the customer grants (D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ) the right to automate the processing of their data. You can revoke your consent at any time either on our website or by sending us a notice in a form reproducible in writing. A declaration or withdrawal of consent does not have retroactive effect.

For better customer service, (D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ) has the right to provide information about individual users to third parties who provide services to (D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ) under a non-disclosure agreement. Such third parties, for instance, include our business partners responsible for delivering goods purchased in the online store or providing installment services. (D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ) retains the customer's personal data until the contract of a regular customer is terminated. Data that (D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ) is obliged to keep by law (e.g., accounting data) is retained in accordance with legislative requirements.

Changing Collected Personal Data

Personal data collected for client identification and communication can be viewed, modified, and supplemented on our website in the "My Account" section.

If your email address (used as your username on the site changes, please notify us as this information cannot be changed by the client themselves.

Protection of Personal Data (D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ) takes all possible precautions (including administrative, technical, and physical measures) to protect clients' personal data. Access to data processing and modification functions is available only to authorized individuals.

If you suspect that your personal data is being handled in violation of the provisions of this Privacy Policy, or if there is a potential for your personal data leakage to third parties, please inform us immediately so we can minimize potential damage.

The client has the right to demand the cessation of processing of their personal data, request information on how their personal data is used, and also demand the transfer of their personal data in a widely used format to themselves or a third party. To prevent the misuse of data and the rights of the client, applications can only be submitted in a form that allows the identity of the person submitting the application to be established (the application must be digitally signed or submitted in person at the representative office). We reserve the right to respond to such applications within 30 days.

A request to cease data processing is regarded by us as an application for termination of the permanent customer contract.

Seller (D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ) acts as the responsible processor of personal data and transfers the personal data necessary for the completion of payment to the authorized processor.


All personal data of customers, known during the visit to the online store (D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ) and made during purchases there, are considered confidential information.

The encrypted data transmission channel between banks ensures the safety of personal data and banking details of the customer.

Terms and Changes to the Privacy Policy

By starting to use our site or by filling out an application to become a permanent client, you confirm that you have read and agree to these principles and conditions. We reserve the right to make changes to the general conditions of the Privacy Policy when necessary, informing all permanent clients about it, however, we make maximum efforts to ensure that the Privacy Policy is always updated and available to you on our site.

In the processing of client personal data, the responsibilities of the controller are performed by "D.I.M. SERVICES OÜ". If you have any questions or problems related to the Privacy Policy or data processing, please contact us at

You also have the right to approach the Data Protection Inspectorate or the court at any time to protect your data. The Data Protection Inspectorate is a government institution to which you can also turn when you need consultation or assistance with personal data protection issues.
